Tuesday, 20 July 2010

A piece out of one of my dairy entries

I'm on a roll tonight, so I thought I'd end it by including a piece of one of my dairy entries, yes the one Tom asked me to start, so here's been my thought processes and radical thoughts, well I'll keep some parts just for me :).
So tonight I witnessed a scorpion vs a black widow vs another black widow vs the Godzilla of all wolf spiders. With the unbelievable outcome of the black widows getting destroyed both of them, a wolf spider paralysed getting it's legs ripped off. All because of one bad ace...the scorpion king. yep now I'm definitely sure I'm in America.
I let my boss know how much he's affected me in a positive manner. the week with hopi is over and what a week of getting to bond with them, watching the boys slowly transform from shy recluses to outgoing estranged characters. Especially David, every part of the day he song the siesta song and ran to all activities with excitement, never fear. No wonder we gave him the courage bead. If anything this week these boys inspired me to better myself and strive and work for what I want.
On another note we won cabin clean up, our points through the week just beat ottawa, the oldest boy cabin was beaten by the youngest, well they were dq'ed on the last day. So we drank our soda's smiling as all of our weeks work paid off.

'Boom head-shots are free bee-otch'
.....We were watching a scorpion cage match, he stabbed a spider in the face, so epic ha.

Later :D

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