I still can't sleep, not because the big headed baby keeps creeping into my dreams, nah it's because quite possibly a monolith from space may stalk me and turn me into a foetus that must hurtle through space. 2001: A space odyssey......my god where do i start, you realise it took a whole minute and forty something seconds of viewing landscape before you saw the first sign of life on the screen and it was a fucking monkey, it took about twenty minutes before you see the first human and about half an hour before the first piece of dialogue!

But I don't want to rip this movie a new hole, good it was slow, like my god it was slow, but Stanley Kubrick was a cinegraphic master, as I heard in a review he was definitely ahead of his time, his shots were long but pleasing to the eye. Whilst his script writing dragged on and was offensive to the mind.
I also believe me and my friend Tel deserve major props as we watched it from beginning to end, despite the fact half an hour chunks could have been cut from that movie, Stanley trim the fucking fat!
Finally the only strong character with human presence was the HAL 9000, a super computer, i only say this as basically the computer f'ed up it's 100% correctness chart by making an error, *slight spoiler alert* this makes Hal panic so to cover up his mistake he tries to kill the crew, and when Dave realises this and begins to kill the machines mind, it almost cries and begs for it's life, their is a dispute whether this computer has human feelings, to try and convince Dave and beg for it's life makes it a human, regardless of skin.
He's also quite intimidating as you pray a villian is disfigured or looks in a way you can identify him as the villain, but Hal has no facial features, making him that more scary.