Saturday, 29 May 2010

Crash landing in Texas

Standing on top of Mount Vesper watching the sun set made me think things have definitely changed. I could never imagine being somewhere so awesome. The camp is sunny and the people i've met are all amazing in their own ways.
In the camp their is a small army of dogs all of which are possibly plotting to overthrow us humans and make us follow their every whim and desire. But seriously Texas is beautiful so far, in the day nothing but massive trucks, big malls and car dealerships as far as the eye can see. At night lights, these guys do not care for the economy ha.
Today life guard training started, passed basic swim, then the written test....I failed epicly, 10 minutes later i realise like an ass i've taken a totally different test from the rest of the class, a test with a subject none of us had studied and i silently took it without objecting....good one.
I brought a camera so I will upload pics, but so far I have 8, a good use of $142 dollars.
I'll update some more later as it's nearly lights out and i really can't think, it must be the benodryl Ryne gave me. So peace out! n_n

p.s The 100ft water slide is nothing more then kick ass!

1 comment:

  1. 100 ft water slide? You casually just drop in a 100 FOOT WATER SLIDE!? I am genuinely radiating hate for you right now D pain! I also miss you hugely, and for the record, can probably swim better than you. Ex Newcastle City B Squad say whaaaaaaaaaaaat! Be safe man, and keep writing, but mainly be safe.

    Your brother from another mother,

