Tuesday, 20 July 2010

A piece out of one of my dairy entries

I'm on a roll tonight, so I thought I'd end it by including a piece of one of my dairy entries, yes the one Tom asked me to start, so here's been my thought processes and radical thoughts, well I'll keep some parts just for me :).
So tonight I witnessed a scorpion vs a black widow vs another black widow vs the Godzilla of all wolf spiders. With the unbelievable outcome of the black widows getting destroyed both of them, a wolf spider paralysed getting it's legs ripped off. All because of one bad ace...the scorpion king. yep now I'm definitely sure I'm in America.
I let my boss know how much he's affected me in a positive manner. the week with hopi is over and what a week of getting to bond with them, watching the boys slowly transform from shy recluses to outgoing estranged characters. Especially David, every part of the day he song the siesta song and ran to all activities with excitement, never fear. No wonder we gave him the courage bead. If anything this week these boys inspired me to better myself and strive and work for what I want.
On another note we won cabin clean up, our points through the week just beat ottawa, the oldest boy cabin was beaten by the youngest, well they were dq'ed on the last day. So we drank our soda's smiling as all of our weeks work paid off.

'Boom head-shots are free bee-otch'
.....We were watching a scorpion cage match, he stabbed a spider in the face, so epic ha.

Later :D

Nice qoute!

Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise
Politicians will philander, you too will get old and when you do you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.
Respect your Elders
Get to know your parents, you never know when they'll be gone for good!

Legen....wait for it.....Dary

I couldn't honest to god think of a better title, so forget the counterfeiting use of such an appropriate quote. These past few weeks, as I have written since the 20th of June. Wow they've been a blur, were halfway through session 6, two more sessions after this, then the normality in my life which has become camp is over.
So let me walk you though what has transpired, I was given a cabin of older boys, there language was foul when they arrived which meant we had to have a talk about being leaders and inspiring role models to younger campers. I know me having an adult conversation, I feel I arrived here aged 20 and I'm leaving 30. Through that last week of July the Gulf of Mexico was hit by a hurricane, parts of the storm broke off and re-formed over hunt Texas, more importantly Camp Flaming Arrow. I mean it seriously rains back home but here....when it rains the river rises, lightning flashes and rain falls like a blanket of water. BooYah emergency poncho, Angel said something to me that i thought I'd quote,
'Our Sky's like a Woman, It can never make it's mind up.'
Yeah that's something else I've started doing not sure if I've said, writing a dairy and adding quotes of the day. I think I'll pause and the reason why, is because as a person I think I've changed and grown. I can't summarise it in all of this blog so I keep getting off track adding points that appear fresh in my head, I mean it has been a month since I last blogged.
Back to the boys each time I gain a cabin, I think yeah they'll be all right then they're the best friends I have for a week, little brothers. Who when leave I feel like I crumble inside.
Literally my last week of boys, hopi the youngest male cabin, we bonded we won cabin clean-up the youngest boys stole it in a devastating last attempt for victory, all of them demonstrating unique caring attributes and when they left I nearly broke down. One of my boys dads actually hugged me as I composed my self....no more slipping ha.
For that week I received top dog at camp, that's when a counsellor brings his A game all week, now as a reward I have Starter camp, they sleep early but my god you have to be such a constant in their lives, or they go off the rails. But so far yeah, I say it's been an awesome ride.
This is getting long so I'll write another blog, this experience all i have to say is, everyone should try it at least once, I'll write again once I can compose my thoughts more.
Later :D